Community Garden

The Fishhawk Lake Community Garden is a common property that is open and free to all members of FLRC. There is an annual sign up each year for plots that is announced in February of each year. The community garden is located on Fieldcrest Drive.
The garden is an opportunity to grow vegetables, fruits and flowers of your choice with each member responsible for their own plots.
Water is provided by FLRC.
Committee Members:
Community Garden Guidelines
- Due to health, safety and risk to all, DO NOT APPLY any chemicals, pesticides or herbicides in the garden.
- All gardeners should respect others’ plots and should not enter or harvest from someone else’s plot without permission. Community members and visitors who do not have a garden plot may not harvest without the gardener’s approval.
- Please be conscientious of water usage. Gardeners must remain in the garden while watering. Water only within your plot and do not let water seep or flood into neighboring plots or paths. Be sure to rewind the hose and turn off water after watering. There are two water spigots available; when both are in use, water pressure is low.
- Gardeners will provide their own tools. It is recommended that you label any tools you bring. Please take them with you if you don’t want to share.
- Be considerate of your neighbors. Orient your plantings to avoid casting shade on other plots. No tree plantings.
- Plants that vine must be contained within your plot boundaries. Keep pathways clear.
- Maintaining your plot(s) and the pathways surrounding your plot(s) is your responsibility. Please keep them weed free.
- Children must be accompanied by an adult while in the garden.
- No pets allowed in the garden. Service animals must be under control at all times and not allowed to wander into other people’s plots.
- Garden plots are only to be assigned and reassigned by the committee. If a gardener would like to return a plot or adopt a vacant plot it must be done through the committee. Registered gardeners should keep phone numbers and email addresses current with the committee.
- There is a rototiller available for use in the community garden area. Instructions for use attached to machine. Provide your own gas – use at your own risk.
- No smoking or vaping of tobacco or cannabis products is permitted in the garden.
- There is no trash pick up available at the garden. Please pick up and pack out your own trash.